Here are just a few excerpts from our review
(analyzed by Rehtmeyer Design - a leading industry consultancy)

Here's what we like about "Paisley Dinosaurs":

The overall consensus of our team was that a line of 14 characters, each with their own unique feature, could be well received.
You have given a reason for the children to collect each of these "Paisley Dinosaurs" and given them a sense of continuation from your proposed books.

Our group liked the idea of a themed group of accessories corresponding to each individual dinosaur.

There is a huge collectors market that may find such a line appealing.

Our test group agreed with the overall concept behind "Paisley Dinosaurs".

Our parents group thought that the approach is quite positive.

Children might be interested in collecting the whole line of "Paisley Dinosaurs" and placing them in their rooms.

We applaud your efforts in creating the "Paisley Dinosaur" line.

Having hundreds of toy concepts that are laid out before the toy industry, it is rather difficult for even the most talented firms to choose the right idea for the right year.

It is a gut feeling that most successful inventors have. The advantage that I have with project Paisley Dinosaur is a sure fire history that dinosaurs are not disappearing into the fate of tomorrow's children.

The Industry clearly recognizes that too many board games, too many dolls, and too many plush toys are enough to make anyone walk the other way.

So we are left with a history that speaks for itself. It is primarily based on the fate of the consumer. What exactly will the child ask for? And what exactly will the parent allow them to have?

A comment from Rehtmeyer Design

For licensing consideration, manufacturers look to Rehtmeyer Design to provide them with that super "WOW" exciting products that they are unable to "come up with" themselves. They just don't want an "interesting", or "nice" product,... they "want it all". It must jump off the shelves and scream "buy me!". It must look magical and captivating on television, and must have the potential of selling 500,000 units per year or better. It must, therefore, have great mass appeal, and be "spellbinding" with excitement.

And so I ask all of you, how exciting and spellbinding was Barney?

Here was this big frumpy purple dinosaur that seemed to have had a severe sinus condition and echoed the poetic words of, "I love you, you love me".

Yet it worked. It worked so well that it became a billion dollar industry.


What makes a product unique to a child in our marketable range? The vibrancy in color is a sure fire hit. Children are hypnotized to the TV when streams of the rainbow come twirling into the tube.

girls enjoying Paisley 'D' characters

Paisleys have made its mark since the 16th century. Clearly through art and fashion, it will continue to be a permanent mark in the present and future.

We see the paisley design and all its intricacies in all ages of clothing. We see it on men's ties. We see it in artwork. Yet have we ever seen this wonderful design on a character? Has a plush line of dinosaurs or any character shared its paisley seal?

This is what makes these beloved dinosaurs so magical and so unique. It is through their paisley skin that makes the world of make believe come alive. It is through their accents and their cultures that make their world so melodic. This is where any production company would be able to stake its impressionable claim by promoting such wonderful and magical characters. Especially those that represent a clean cut image of educating children without violence.

This is where I believe the toy industry loses its conception of marketable products. You have a large percentage of toys that are short-lived yet make a profit. Yet the anchors in this industry are repeated in clear-cut proportions, such as Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, Blue, Barney and the most similar to our concept: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. These and others are first shown only through the wonder of animation.

Lets face it, in today's times TV has become somewhat of a babysitter. Parents at least feel a bit more responsible when they can be comforted by the fact that their children are loved by these wonderful characters that play in this magical land. And above all else, they learn. They are educated on the ethnicity of many cultures. They are taught throughout every book and every cartoon on manners, simplistic lessons on our environment, truthfulness and sharing. They are taught to speak in different languages- simplistic words such as hello, goodbye, and thank you. The children that are being raised with the best intentions will clearly have a fun loving advantage of reading and watching Paisley Dinosaur. Paisley Dinosaur could possibly play a role of vital importance for children that are at a disadvantage. Poor parenting is a known factor in today's times. We can only hope this might be a helpful substitute.

The relations between these characters and children give us hope that they will seek to know more. So as you can see, it is a feel good venture and a win win situation for the parent and child. This is what makes a product stand out from all the rest.



Jurassic Park once made its profit throughout the preteen market. Even Barney is not capable of competing with these beloved characters. He is not capable of turning himself into a paisley dinosaur. He is not capable of being found in Russia, Austria, England or France.

Children are intrigued with new cartoons and hypnotized by the facets of color.

As stated on the fun loving pages of P.D. & the Treasure Tree: Paisley Parrot then replied, "I have seen into the future before the land became still! And Paisleys came into my mind. Paisleys! Paisleys! Oh what a thrill! Unlock the tree and let me be free and forever paisleys it will be! Voices will be given to the dinosaurs and color will fill the land! Paisleys! PAISLEYS! PAISLEYS! Paisleys will make all things grand!"

Motion Picture Theater is clearly another option for the children to be captivated by these Paisleys. Remember it's just not the Dinosaurs.

It's Paisley Parrot and Professor Paisley. It is the Gray Jungle. It is the Treasure Tree. In the right hands, this concept can be turned into a multimillion-dollar wonderland of entertainment. Children can walk into their world and venture off into the Gray Jungle. They can explore the canyon and learn from the mystical Treasure Tree.

It is the moment when the dinosaur is filled with paisleys and carries a distinct impression from all the rest. It is the child that walks out of the theater and feels as if they now have a new friend. It is the moment where a family can enjoy the adventures of this animation together. It is a sure fire hit for a feel good product.

Our Vision

My proposal is through motion picture theater, through which, continues into an animated cartoon series that will live out its adventure throughout all parts of the world. Through storybooks and animation, this will be an ongoing series of exhilarating cultures and magical travels!

Every child will have their favorite character yet once again, every child will also want to collect the entire family.

We will grow into a total of twelve beloved dinosaurs. Each one is found in different parts of the world, giving the children newfound excitement and anticipation for next week's animation.

The many worlds of Paisley "D" are what the children will cherish, and The O.N.E. Foundation is what our children deserve. This project has the strength to stand on its own- it clearly sells itself.

Owner, Dianne Lynn Benanti
For more information please email